Project vision
The main idea of this project is to establish the mechanistic
basis of the positive health effects of deuterium depleted
water. The isotope content of drinking water has been shown to
possibly have implications to many diseases. High
concentrations of deuterium may induce mitochondrial
dysfunction, and can even lead to cell death. However, lower
concentrations (deuterium depleted water) appear to have
positive effects in human health and seem to represent a safe
intervention with few, if any, side effects – but remains
unclear at what concentrations the positive metabolic and
behavioral effects become apparent.
It has become urgent to better understand the impacts of
deuterium depleted water on brain and behavior at molecular
level, since that companies in Europe are now selling
deuterium depleted water at different concentrations to the
public with multiple health claims, that mostly lack sound
scientific basis or safety data.
To study the matter in dept, the consortium will use
state-of-art imaging techniques to measure regional metabolic
fluxes in the body of (healthy individuals) animals through
life, and deuterium depleted water at different concentrations
will be administrated and studied in different periods of
time. Moreover, the consortium will also examine how the
deuterium depletion affects the behaviors of neurons in vitro,
electrophysiological levels and impacts on their metabolism.
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